Sunday, June 28, 2015

The thing you have to know before you take a taxi in Japan.

As so many foreign tourists visit Japan nowadays, you might have heard of this one unique Japanese invention or you've already experienced.
The invention is a taxi door. What's special about it? It is automatic and you don't have to open the door yourself. The driver opens it for you using the lever at the driver's seat. The only thing you have to do is to wait for the door to be opened.
Today the automatic door has got very common in Japan but yet there are also still a few taxies with manual doors. To avoid confusing customers, taxi campanies put the stickers on the windows so that customers can know whether the door is automatic or not.
When you take a taxi in Japan, you can know whether the door is automatic or not by the sticker or simply you just wait for a second and see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Super. Japanese taxi drivers open taxi doors for passengers so they don't need to touch the door handle. now think back with regret at the number of times I have opened Japanese taxi doors for myself, in an expression of autonomy, as if to say I don't need you to open the door for me, and thereby putting my nasty germ ridden hands on the taxi probably forcing the taxi driver to get out and disinfect the door.
